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Security Project - Quebec

SES - Safe Engineering Services


World Leader in Grounding/Earthing, Lightning and Electromagnetic Interference.

SES' primary focus is helping its customers assess and mitigate the effects of grounding & electromagnetic interference on people, equipment and the environment, safely, efficiently and economically.

Since its foundation in 1978, SES has been recognized as an undisputed world authority on the effects of soil on the interaction between electric installations and other utilities such as gas and oil pipelines, communication industries, railway electrification. SES holds the distinction of being the only company worldwide totally dedicated to providing the engineering community with expertise, software and training for the solution of complex problems related to grounding and electromagnetic interference. SES has earned an international reputation for pioneering work in grounding and in electromagnetic and conductive interference analysis involving electrical networks. Typical areas of application for its R&D work include electrical system networks and neighboring utility installations such as oil and gas pipelines, telecommunications cables and railway tracks.

Its leadership is maintained through an aggressive and ongoing R&D program, regular involvement in the analysis of a wide variety of practical and challenging industrial problems, and its support of a superior and growing line of engineering applications software modules.

The CDEGS software package is SES' flagship product. This industry-leading application and its various subpackages constitute a powerful set of integrated engineering software tools designed to accurately analyze problems involving grounding, electromagnetic fields, electromagnetic interference including AC/DC interference mitigation studies and various aspects of cathodic protection and anode bed analysis with a global perspective, starting literally from the ground up.

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